Here at Abbeyleix Heritage House we have a genealogy service.
Abbeyleix Heritage House cannot guarantee that we will find the information which you request. Irish genealogy is a particularly difficult subject, with many brick walls and missing pieces. While we can guarantee the highest standard of care and resources, we cannot ensure that all of your questions will be answered. Our commission fees are €15 per hour of research. For the average commission, we would recommend 3 hours of research, coming to €45. Usually this is enough to trace family history back to the 1850’s, find the history of their family origins and occasionally a selection of other interesting details. Additional hours may be commissioned after an initial project’s completion if you have any specific requests. The information which we uncover about your family and its history will be completely confidential. It will be shared only with the commissioner, and the researcher will keep no records of any personal information of any party.
If you are interested in learning about the history of a family member, the origins of your surname, or even where your family came from – feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help!
If you are interested in this service please fill out this quick questionnaire: Genealogy Form
email – abbeyleixheritageresearch@gmail.com
Tel: 057 871 4944